Sometimes a codependence support group isn’t enough. You may come to a season in your life where you require help at a level that your church or recovery community cannot offer.  Tucker Counseling Services’ offer a Christian codependence treatment approach set up to give the codependent the opportunity to say “it’s time I take care of me.” Through an intensive counseling and educational approach, you will be asked to walk through a self-confrontation process to press deeply into the past that will help you understand your present.


Through a Christ-centered, clinical approach, this journey can move you through your past, not to dwell on it, but to identify false belief systems and shame messages that were acquired along the way. This will help you to capture the lies you’ve believed, and replace them with the truth of who God says you are. While it sounds so simple, it’s an intensive process of peeling back the various layers of codependence and coping mechanisms to get at the heart of why your life hasn’t been working.


Many people that enter codependence treatment have suffered a degree of trauma. While we do not provide medical or psychiatric care, our counselors are trained in the area of trauma and work to identify and process grief, trauma and deeper areas of woundedness.


Through a saturation of inner truth, God’s power, the unity of fellowship, and the power of God to unbind lies, men and women find the freedom they have been seeking their whole lives.


Codependence Assessment

The assessment is the first thing we must do in order to understand how to best help you. It occurs after a variety of paperwork and a personal life story has been written. The goal of the assessment is for the counselor to understand, identify and provide a treatment plan within your chosen timeframe that sets specific goals relevant to your particular needs and circumstances. On occasion, the counselor may find additional outside services that are necessary and will coordinate with you accordingly.

Crisis Intervention

While it may not be the case for everyone, often, the person suffering from codependence is attempting to balance a relationship that is imbalanced physically, financially, emotionally or spiritually. By the time a person seeks help, this relationship is often so painful and consuming, that specific resources and homework assignments need to be offered to address it immediately. However, at the same time, once that situation can be stabilized, we believe it is absolutely important for the codependent to take the time to assess and understand their own emotional pain and issues that led up to the current circumstances. Our classes address the nature of crisis and breakdown in the family system, focusing on critical ways to overcome those unhealthy dynamics. 

Individual Counseling Sessions

Our private counseling sessions offer you the opportunity to work through unique needs and challenges you face both in your current circumstances and throughout your lifetime. With your counselor, you’ll also look at overall patterns and events from childhood through adulthood. The goal of counseling isn’t just to deal with the current situations, but to also identify and understand driving roots. The goal of treatment is to deal with any trauma, emotional difficulties or other life events that have not yet been fully addressed

Codependence Workbook Material

The core curriculum used is based on the nationally recognized, Focus on the Family recommended book “The Christian Codependence Recovery Workbook: from Surviving to Significance” written by Author Stephanie Tucker. This book is a 12-module approach to understanding and properly dealing with codependence. Some concepts from A House that Grace Built may also be introduced including bonding, intimacy and important relationships such as marriage and close family. There are other classes and resources that will also be offered.

Self-paced Spiritual Workshop

The spiritual workshop is designed to lay the foundation of God’s truth. It is intended to get people into a personal relationship with Jesus, saturated in His word, to minister to their spirit and to recall and take ownership of the many promises of God.

How Do I Know if I’m codependent?

Everyone is codependent to a degree, but understanding if codependence is so severe that it requires intervention is helpful. For most people, partaking of recovery is sufficient, but for those that have extreme codependency, counseling and/or treatment might be considered.

On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the least and 5 being the most,
answer the following questions

  • I have difficulty saying “no” when people ask me to do something, even when I know I should not do it.
  • I feel I need cover up for irresponsible people in my life because I don’t want them to suffer. I’d rather “fill in and help them” then see them get consequences. It’s my job to assist them.
  • I understand that it is my job to fix, manage and hold my family/relationship together. Christian Codependency Treatment needed here
  • I work hard to be thoughtful and nice to others and get angry when they don’t respond or reciprocate my efforts.
  • I like to be around people that need my help. I avoid situations where I would not have a task or a “duty” to perform for others.
  • I worry about how I make people feel. It directly affects my own feelings.
  • When I get in close relationships, I change to try that please that person. I often “read” people to figure out how I should act.
  • I don’t like being alone. I need to be around others all the time.
  • I am afraid of people. I need to isolate.
  • Being “good to myself” is equivalent to selfishness
  • Other people’s needs always come before mine, even if it I have urgent needs and they do not – Christian Codependency Treatment
  • In the areas of my life where I experience approval, I often become over-involved. In the areas of failure, I detach and withdraw.
  • If something is not perfect I see it as a failure
  • I become defensive when others point out my imperfections
  • I often measure myself in accordance with other people. It leaves me feeling as if I’m “better” then others sometimes, and “worse” then others at other times.
  • I’d rather hang out with people that I perceive as “less” then myself so I can be in a role of helping, solving or fixing their problems.
  • I feel very inadequate when people seem to “have it all together.” I tend to avoid friendships with those type of people.
  • Deep down inside, I don’t really like myself and don’t want people to know the “real me”
  • I tend to blame and criticize people and circumstances for my feelings.
  • I have a hard time leaving relationships, even if they are unhealthy
  • I have a difficult time asking people for help, even when it’s necessary.
  • I feel sometimes that if I don’t do it myself, it will never get done right
  • I find it difficult to speak what I truly feel or ask for what I need.
  • I have secret sins in my life that I cannot not let others know about because it would ruin my image of being the “strong one” (i.e., alcohol, drugs, food addiction, sex, pornography, etc.).

If you have answered two or more of these with a “5”, you most likely have codependence roots in your life. If you consistently scored “4’s and 5’s” it is also an indication of severe codependence tendencies that may require a deeper level of recovery. Learn here about codependent resources.

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